Official Letters - Governor of the State of Baja California Sur
Victor Manuel Castro Cosio | Govenor of the State of Baja California Sur
Dear Friends,
I am pleased to welcome you to our Idyllic state, Baja California Sur.
Welcome to all competitors and their families, to the renowned supporters, to the media, and to the Score International team; a heartfelt welcome to each of you, this is your home.
This 56th edition of the Baja 1000 Off road race is historic, first of all, because Score International is celebrating its 50th anniversary; and within this framework, La Paz, our beautiful capital will be the starting point of this important world-class competition, which will take place from south to north of the peninsula.
I would like to highlight the significant benefits that the Baja 1000 brings to our state in regards of tourism, which is our main economic engine, and for the international exposure of our beautiful destinations, due to the coverage in 25 countries.
But mainly, it is necessary to express the importance of the Baja 1000 for the citizens of Baja California Sur, which are big supporters, since this great event is a tradition for the families, due to the atmosphere of togetherness that Baja 1000 generates.
Therefore, those of us who live in Baja California Sur are pleased to be part of the 56th edition of this race, which will pass into the history of off road, being shared from generation to generation.
Once again my gratitude to Score International and especially to its management team, for the interest and commitment to carry out this competition responsibly and always taking care of the most precious thing we have, our natural heritage.
I hope you have a great stay, and a unique experience during the race.
I encourage you to enjoy our tourist attractions, the natural beauties and the abundant cultural diversity that we have.
Welcome to Baja California Sur!
Victor Manuel Castro Cosio
Governor of the State of Baja California Sur

Victor Manuel Castro Cosio, Governor of the State of Baja California Sur