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CROWNED IN GLORY The winners of the 2018 SCORE World Desert Championship are honored during SCORE’s Award Night

By Dan Sanchez Photos by Get Some Photo The champions and achievements for both racers and sponsors were acknowledged during the 2018 SCORE World Desert Championship Awards Night gala at the San Diego Air & Space Museum in San Diego, California. More than 600 people attended the evening’s ceremony, which began with SCORE advisor Juan Tintos Funcke, acknowledging the Mexican government and city officials in attendance, who helped SCORE International put on its racing events in their cities and municipalities. Two Special Awards
SCORE Marketing and Sales Director Jim Ryan, introduced a new SCORE Legacy Award, with the inaugural award going posthumously to Jerry E. Herbst, founder and chairman of Terrible Herbst Inc. Sons Ed and Tim Herbst received the award in honor of their father and thanked Roger Norman and the SCORE Family for the award. The evening also celebrated the 25th Anniversary of the SCORE Trophy Truck racing class that began in 1994 by SCORE’s then owner Sal Fish, who honored the racers across the past 25 years via a video message, followed by Frank DeAngelo who came up on stage and shared his recollections of how the class got started. In commemoration of the 25th anniversary, SCORE International created a poster containing a collage of photos and the names of racers who have won SCORE Trophy Truck races throughout the last 25 years. Honoring 2018 Victors SCORE Live Announcer Rat Sult, along with SCORE Trophy Truck racer Cameron Steele, were the emcees for the presentation of the 2018 awards, which began with SCORE Off-Roadsman Awards, and those racers who received the SCORE Milestone Award for completing every race this season totaling a combined mileage of 1,802.68 miles. Among the highlights of the evening were big overall and class winners that included Wayne Matlock, who won the 2018 SCORE Overall Points Championship and SCORE Overall UTV, and Pro UTV FI Class Points Championship. Rob MacCachren won the 2018 Overall Truck and SCORE Trophy Truck Championship which coincidentally, was also the first winner of the SCORE Trophy Truck Championship 25 years ago. The 7x Pro Moto Unlimited team of Justin Morgan, Mark Samuels, and Justin Jones were also honored as the 2018 Overall Moto and Pro Moto Unlimited champions. From within the Pro Moto division, Liz Karcz was awarded the 2018 Rookie of the Year for her efforts within the Pro Moto Ironman class. While the SCORE community celebrated a spectacular evening, plans are already underway for an exciting 2018 season that the racers and fans can’t wait to begin. 1. 7x Pro Moto Champs, Mark Samuels, Justin Jones, and Justin Morgan 2. Bryce Swaim SCORE Trophy Truck Spec Champion 3. Brad Wilson SCORE Class 1 Champion 4. Dan Chamlee SCORE Class 7 Champion 5. Diane Gianelli and Julie Boyer, SCORE Sportsman Unlimited Buggy Champions 6. Jesus Mendez Jr. SCORE Pro UTV Unlimited Champion 7. Giovanni Spinali SCORE pro Moto 50 Champion 1. Jano Montoya SCORE Pro Moto 40 Champion 2. Gus Vildosola SCORE Trophy Truck Legends Champion 3. Justin Morgan SCORE Pro Moto Overall Champion, SCORE Pro Moto Unlimited Champion 4. Jeremy Davis SCORE Lites Champion 5. Wayne Matlock SCORE Overall Points Champion, SCORE UTV Overall Champion 1. Rob MacCachren SCORE Trophy Truck Class Champion 2. Viery Felix – SCORE Class 11 Champion 3. Todd Winslow SCORE Overall Open Wheel Points Champion, SCORE Class 10 Champion 4. Bryce Swaim SCORE Trophy Truck Spec Champion 5. Luis Herrera SCORE 5/1600 Class Champion[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]
