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Post-Race Quotes: 1st Baja 400

SCORE MEDIA CONTACT: Dominic Clark, September 22, 2019

Inaugural Lucerna SCORE Baja 400

Round 3 of four-race 2019 SCORE World Desert Championship September 21-22, 2019 – 390 miles – Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico Post-Race Quotes (from finish line) (as recorded by Don Jose de Vazquez, Paul Hanson & Tom Blattler; transcribed by Codie Jo Hoffman) Pro Cars, Trucks & UTVs
SCORE TROPHY TRUCK (Unlimited CustomTrucks including Builder) Ryan Arciero, No. 32 (finished 1st in class, first overall)- It was a great race for us. We started in the middle of the SCORE Trophy Truck field and I knew Andy McMillin was just two trucks in front of us. I used Andy as a guide for most of the race. Everything was smooth for us today and the new Joe Gibbs Racing motor was sensational. Great power and we have NASCAR guys in off-road which is a super crossover in the sport. We didn’t quite know where we stood overall with so many trucks bunched up and running very close. The dust made it tougher for the SCORE Trophy Trucks and we just had to work our way through the field as best we could. I’m excited that my dad (Butch) could make it down to this race too. He got me started in the sport and it’s fun to celebrate an overall win with him. We knew we needed a good finish for the starting position in the upcoming SCORE Baja 1000. And we couldn’t have done better than taking the victory today. Andy McMillin, No. 31 (finished 2nd in class, second overall)- It was a great day we didn’t have a single issue. We just got caught in the dust and behind slower trucks. We had the lead the last 15 miles but then Tavo got around Larry Connor. Its frustrating putting in a lot of time and effort because I want to win every race. We’ll go get them at the 1000. Gustavo ‘Tavo’ Vildosola, No. 21(finished 3rd in class, third overall)- Clean day today no flats no issues. We were taking care of the tranny. It’s been awhile since we finished a race so I just wanted to get here. Nice and smooth race. I couldn’t afford another DNF, overall we had a great day. Justin Lofton, No. 41 (finished 4th in class, fourth overall)- I don’t know just a couple years ago you couldn’t get this many trophy trucks to finish a race and now we are all sitting 30 seconds apart. We got a flat and let Andy get by us. We ran his pace since we were behind him. It was a good day just a lot of dust on a tight technical course. Other than the flat our day was great. This truck had 300 plus miles coming into it but it held up. I think we will start in the top 5 for the 1000. Being the first off the line in Baja can present its own challenges. We finished and I’m happy. Alan Ampudia, No. 10 (finished 5th in class, fifth overall)- It was good we got by the cops car at the very beginning. We had some good clean air and we ran Tavo down. Who got around Dondale so he was right in front of us. We finally got close enough that we hit him and then we ran Tavo down again. Ran great all the way we were just in Tavo’s dust. We got a flat and sat in dust all the way home. We didn’t have any crazy things happen. Our main goal was to finish in the top 5. We are happy as a team and we are looking forward to the 1000. Cameron Steele, No. 16 (finished 6th in class, sixth overall)- It went pretty good we never stopped. We used the non-race zone as a pit and we did pit once on the course. Our pace was good just everyone was so close so we had a hard time getting the data. We are racing for the top 5 so it’s frustrating to not know. But the truck ran flawless. No flats or any issues. I can only wish that Pistol was here but hopefully his daughter who is riding in cars is having a great day. Robert ‘BJ’ Baldwin, No. 97 (finished 7th in class, seventh overall)- It could have gone better we had some break issues on the cross over road. It was a lot of work to catch up with Sourapas. My leg is dead from having to pull the break Patel up and reapplying pressure. We can take all this intelligence and take it home and put it all into the 1000. We had a very difficult year due to use doing a lot of research. Ricky Johnson, No. 6  (finished 9th in class, )- CO-DRIVER LARRY CONNOR--The run was really good. Ricky got hung up for the first 100 miles and just had to sit in the dust. But he did a really good job and was able to turn the truck over. Our run was just what we planned. We were quick up the beach and came in solid. Ricky started it and then turned it over at mile marker 231 and finished it off from there. No issues at all. We didn’t have too much dust. We probably needed a little more pace in the last 50 miles. This is a completely different deal from Indy car. If you are going 110 here it feels like more speed here because of the dirt. The fans here are some of the best in racing. I came into this late but it’s been an interesting experience. Bobby Pecoy, No. 14 (finished 10th in class, 12th Overall)- The run was pretty intense. This was a bucket list item when you have people like Cameron Steele and Rob Mac. We had no issues at all but I did make a couple mistakes. Other than that we just ran hard. Bryce Menzies, No. 7 (finished 11th in class, 13th Overall)- Honestly we just sat in dust today. We had a draw and it just didn’t work out when you put slow guys in with the fast guys. We had a flawless day just ended up sitting in dust. We will take what we can get and go back and get ready for the 1000. No mechanical issues no flats and the truck ran flawless. Luke McMillin, 83 (drove solo, finished 12th in class, 14th Overall)- I drove the whole race. Larry is going to drive the 1000 with me. This truck ran flawless so I have to thank my team for that. Zero flat tires or issues with the truck. We sat behind Poleman the rest of the day. It sounds like we are getting 12th today which sucks because this was the truck that was winning the 500 overall and we ended up 12th and that’s not where we belong. Mike Walser, No. 89( finished 13th in class, 15th Overall)- It went ok, we finished so that’s always a win. We didn’t finish as good as we hoped. I ran the first half till about 230 and then handed it off to Luke Johnson. We had a fairly clean run. We didn’t have coms, which slowed us down a bit. Our sat radio quite right before we ran so we couldn’t talk to our pits. It was a little disjointed but our crews did the best they could. We didn’t have any flats and ran the best we could. Mechanically we are sound the body just looks a little rough. Robby Gordon, No. 77 (finished 14th in class, 16th Overall)- It went pretty good we got held up a bit by Luke Johnson. He was running good it just caused us to lose some time. All in all it was a great day and we learned a lot. I am impressed with the truck and it runs great. We didn’t have any issues. Zak Langley, No. 50 (finished 17th in class, 20th Overall)- All things consider the race went well for us. I was fighting a stomach bug all day but I really wanted to race, which might not have been the smartest. I didn’t feel like I was on my A game so im just happy to finish in a decent position. Our team has been working hard and putting in a ton of effort. We have a few more things to together but we will come into the 1000 strong. We had one flat that was my fault. Kyle Jergensen drive to the cross over road and then I started from there to the finish.   SCORE TT LEGEND (Unlimited Production Trucks, Drivers over 50 years old)— Nick Vanderwey, No. 5L (finished 1st in class)- It was a great race. Ya know Clyde couldn’t make it down so he had me do the whole thing. Knowing that I just wanted to set an easy pace. After 245 we turned it up and just started passing. We had no issues and ran great. We are running really hard. Absolutely we are going to be back for the 1000. The dust for sure made passing hard. You could only really pass in the wider washes. We the Bailey team and they got a flat so we were able to get around them. Rolf Helland, No. 37L (finished 2nd in class)- I’m pleased with 2nd place. We had a flat tire that cost us some time. I just turned 60 years old so being able to come out here is great. The truck performed flawlessly. No flats or issues. I got in at the 240 mark and brought it home from there. My co driver Robby did a great job. It was tough conditions and hard to pass. We started 2nd to last and Rick just couldn’t get past those guys. This is my 9th race down here and I’ve finished every one of them. It’s a lot of fun and there are more guys getting into the class. Scott Bailey, No. 1L (finished 4th in class)-CO-DRIVER GUS VILDOSOLA--We had some mechanical issues, which caused us to lose our lead. I got out and Scott got in and got 2 flats right off the bat.   CLASS 1 (Unlimited open-wheel single or two-seaters)— Cody Parkhouse, No. 127 (finished 1st in class)- It was very close coming in off the highway. We were really fighting dust once the sun went down. We drove what we could and made it as quick and safe as we could. We knew there was a 2-minute gap. Its good to win going into the 1000. Brad Wilson, No. 100 (finished 2nd in class)-It went great there were no issues with the car. We just dealt with dust all day. I hit a tree early on which put me back and we had to work our way through the Class 1’s. Turned the car over to Justin Munyon and he picked a couple guys off and started working his way to the finish. Mason Cullen, No. 105 (finished 3rd in class)- It went really well. My dad (Matt Cullen) did the start and brought me the car at 240. There were no issues all day. Our car was prepped great. Al Torres, No. 114 (drove solo, finished 4th in class)-I did all the 400 miles and we were fighting the lead. I got a flat and then I was fighting the dust the whole way through. We were fighting for the lead but a flat tire ruined the day. Shelby Reid, No. 168 (finished 5th in class)-Dale Ebberts drove the first half and I drove the second half. We had no mechanical issues but she’s a little tired so we had to get her through. We had some misshapes but we got here to the end so we are happy. Brendan Gaughan, No. 162 (finished 9th in class)-Only the second time in my desert career that I couldn’t get a car out on my own. The car was doing great, the tires I came across on are the same tires I started on. We had a great day going and I just made a mistake at mile marker 271. We are for sure coming back for the SCORE Baja 1000.   TROPHY TRUCK SPEC (unlimited Truck/SUV, stock, sealed engines)— Jorge Sampietro, No. 298 (finished 1st in class) It went pretty good, we had one flat but changed it and kept going. We ran in the dust all day. No mechanical issues with the car, the car was prepped great and was a clean truck. Sara Price, No. 204 (finished 2nd in class)- That was the gnarliest course I’ve ever been on. We didn’t see about 70% of the time. We came into one truck other than that we just kind of ran a smart race because we were in it for the points. This is exactly what we had hoped for and planned for. There was a time were I was doubting our plan but it worked out in the end. Our first win and I couldn’t be more stoked that it’s at the Baja 400. We are first in point right now and I am hoping that this gives us a little bit of a cushion. We had electrical issues at one point. Our thermostat was reading different than how the truck was running. Charles Dorrance, No. 299 (finished 3rd in class)-It went flawless we didn’t change a tire the entire day. We didn’t change a tire or have a flat at all. It was a perfect day, its hard to say what we could have done different. We need to go a little faster in the speed zone but other than that it was good. It is what it is but it was a great day overall. We are going to end up with a great start place for the SCORE Baja 1000 and I can’t say enough about how grateful I am to be here. Austin ‘A.J’ Jones, No. 279 (finished 4th in class)-It was a pretty good day was a little rough in the beginning. But my co driver did an awesome job getting us out of the hole. We got to the finish and are thinking about the SCORE Baja 1000. We had no mechanical issues this race. Rafael Navarro IV, No. 209 (drove solo, finished 5th in class)-We did a lot of prerunning to make sure I was feeling up to soloing the race. This is the first time I’ve done a race this long solo. It was a really fun course. I feel like it was manageable due to how the course was set up. We ran really strong all day. We weren’t sure on fuel so it was close on fuel. We just struggled with dust all day today, the visibility was really bad. When the spec cars start catching up to the Class 1 cars it just makes it difficult. We had no major issues. We had one minor electrical issue. We are just happy to get this truck to the finish and we finally have everything dialed in. Elias Hanna, No. 274 (drove solo, finished 6th in class)- It was rough and really dusty. We were stacked the whole time. I drove inside a dust cloud the first 150 miles. We had no issues with our truck and it was a perfect day minus a broken sway bar. Pat Sims, No. 211 (finished 7th in class)-It was a fun race and we had a good time. We will be back next year! I drove the last half from 235 on. Tim Wilson drove the first half. We had a flat and the headlights weren’t working really good. Other than that everything worked like a charm.   CLASS 10 (Limited, sealed engine, single or two-seaters)— Hiram Duran, No. 1016 (raced solo and finished 1st in class)-I was going to race only the 220 miles but ended up doing the whole thing. There was a lot of dust. It was a great race though. We had no problems. No flats or issues. My only issue was that I didn’t prerun the second half. I passed Cody Reid at mile 75 but then they passed me at mile 325 and then I passed them at 360. They were behind me the rest of the way. We are going to get ready for the 1000, it’ll be a full prep. Cody Reid, No. 1068 (finished 2nd in class)- It went real good. We had some minor navigation issues. Our GPS were malfunctioning which was our main problem all day. Bud did the first half and I hoped in at mile marker 225. Got up to second but then ran it off the road and the GPS were still malfunctioning. We were able to stay on Duran’s bumper. We didn’t have any flat tires or any other issues. Chase Warren, No. 1008(finished 4th in class)-No driver changes we did the whole day. Started 7th and worked our way to first. 50 miles from the finish the dust got real bad and we were just hanging in there. We had to dig it out because we were high center when we went to take off. It’s a great course and a lot of fun. A lot of dust but was a good course. We didn’t have any flats. Andres Macias, No. 1029 (finished 5th in class)- We did three changes. I started the race and went to mile marker 130. Abraham Legaspy took it to 210. Alexander Vazquez took it to 315. Then Abraham took it to the finish line. 1st part of the course was very technical. Lots of rocks. At Mike Sky Ranch it was very difficult but then we realized we could have gone a lot faster. We did push it to make up some time to move up to the 6th spot. Very good course for this first very SCORE Baja 400. Despite it being our first time in a SCORE race we will continue to participate in SCORE events. As we are new to off road racing and not knowing what we were doing we feel we did a good job. But we plan on doing it better next time. Co-Driver Alexander Vazquez-I have been a co driver in the SCORE BAJA 1000 in 2014. This was my 1st as a driver. Very nervous at first but the truth was that once I hit the gas pedal my nerves were gone. The owner Andres trusted me with this car and im thankful for it. J.J. Schnarr, No. 1062 (finished 3rd in class)- CO-DRIVER ROBERTO ROMO-We have a good run to mile 135. I got in at that mile. I lost power steering and drove to mile 190 without it. I pushed it really hard when I got into the speed zone. I came to the finish and we are really close. Minus that issue we had a strong run and a good truck.   CLASS 7 (unlimited, six-cylinder, production appearing trucks or SUVs)-- Daniel Chamlee, No. 700 (finished 1st in class)-It went really well. The first half of the race we had no power. It fixed itself in the middle of the day and got better and better. The second half of the race was much better. We switched to 40s for this race and it was a noticeable difference. We never had any breakdowns. Our lights went out and we ran in with no lights and in the dark. From the coast to here we had no consistent lights. It seems like this race is a lot like the SCORE Baja 500 just a little shorter.   PRO UTV FI (two-seat Forced Induction, OEM engine UTVs)— Wes Miller, No. 2989 (finished 1st in class)-The race went good, we had a plan of going in and taking what came and try to not push to hard to soon. We came from 13th so we moved up really good. Had a good race with Cooperneck. We had no other issues other than the flat we got. Our crew did what they were supposed to do. I felt good coming into this and felt like this course was a good course for us. I felt confident in the car. We are going to tear down and then prep her for the SCORE Baja 1000. Marc Burnett, No. 2905 (finished 2nd in class)- The beginning of the race was a little rough. We had to pull over and check everything but it started working again. We lost a lot of time due to that. We got around Wes Miller but then broke a belt. Scott Trafton, No. 2910 (finished 3rd in class)- It was a good race. Our Polaris razor ran great. I never had to get out of the car. We broke an axel about 30 miles back but we decided to bring it in with it broken. It was definitely the right call to bring it in like that. I knew if I could get to the speed zone I knew I would be ok. I liked the course and had a great day! Brandon Schueler, No. 2919 (finished 4th in class)-We had a pretty good race. I drove the whole race. Miles Martin (co-driver) started the race and Pat (co-driver) got in at 220. At mile 15 I put the car into a ditch, we damaged a front axel but we rocked it for the rest of the race. We had a great day and battled with a couple guys. I think the SCORE Baja 400 was an awesome race and course and we will be back for the SCORE Baja 1000. Edgar Garcia Leon, No. 2987 (finished 6th in class)-Great race no changes during the whole course for me or my co driver. We did have an incident at 190 but nothing major. At 200 we lost brakes we drove the rest of the race with brakes on only one tire. I really liked the new SCORE Baja 400 race. We plan on doing the SCORE Baja 1000 as long as we get the car back in order. Thank you SCORE for this event it was very well organized.   SCORE LITES (VW-powered, Limited single-1776cc-or two-seaters-1835cc)— Freddie Willert, No. 1206 (Finished 1st in class)-Stan Potter started the race and drove to mile marker 240. He handed it over with a nice lead and I was able to cruise it on in to the finish. I think the SCORE Baja 400 was really cool. Matias Arjona IV, No. 1202 (finished 2nd in class)- It was a really tough race and really sketchy. I drove the first 250 miles and then my dad jumped in the car for the finish. I did a 180 with the car on the cross over road and got stuck. We are here and had a lot of fun but now we are getting ready for the SCORE Baja 1000. I told me dad we didn’t have any reverse gear and the car was running on only rear brakes when he got in the car. We raced for this but lets get ready for the SCORE Baja 1000. Mike Aguilar, No.1274 (finished 3rd in class)-My brother (Adolfo Aguliar) and nephew did the start to mile marker 125. And then we did mile marker 125 to mile marker 340. And then my brother and my cousin hoped in and did mile marker 340 to the finish. We had no flats and no mechanical problems. The car just kept going and going it was so cool. I have to give it to SCORE! We saw the map and thought it was going to be easy but they made us work for it. When I got in at 125 I was by myself the whole time I only got passed by one car.   PRO UTV NA (two-seat Normally Aspirated, OEM engine UTVs)-- Kaden Wells, No. 1995 (Finished 1st in class)-It was a good race we had a flat tire early on, which set us back a little. I got carsick and was throwing up. My dad had to get in and drove and I got in the chase truck. My dad (Travis Wells) wasn’t supposed to get in but had to. He had no issues. Definitely feeling better now that I won. Joe Bolton, No. 1956 (Finished 2nd in class)- We didn’t decide until Wednesday night that we were coming down and got here Thursday night. Dave and I missed one turn all day without prerunning this. We just wanted to have a good clean ride and see how it worked out in the end. We are very happy with this race. We just wanted to get a finish out of this. We got lucky at every pass when we needed to get by someone there was room to pass. T. Bradley Millner, No. 1978 (finished 4th in class)- We had a good day. We finished and that’s the biggest thing! I’ve been racing down here awhile and its great to come out and race with good friends. The course was good. It was a lot different than when we preran it. There were some sections that were pretty beat up so there was a lot of silt. Ty Rodgers and I started the race and drove to the first pit stop which we used the BFG Pit. Pat Bell and Kolt Bell took it from there and into the second BFG pit. Dustin and Tod took it from there and brought it in. This was their first race and they got to drive it across the podium.   CLASS 1/2-1600 (VW-powered, single or two-seaters to 1600cc)— Adolfo Arambula, No. 1650 (finished 1st in class)-I started the race but I had major stomach issues. I had to get out of the car twice. I must have ate something that affected me. My son got in at mile marker 230. At this time we were in second place. We were battling with 1609. On the coast moved up to first place. IT was a very unexpected race. We don’t know what place we ended up because we kept passing each other. We will see tomorrow when we check the results, times, and penalties. Overall we look like we did end up in first place. It’s a family team no sponsors. WE do it for the heart and the passion of the sport. I’m 51 years old im tired and my son knows it. He’s trying to take my place and kick me off as the driver. I’m planning and preparing this car for him so he can take my place soon. This is my first time ever crossing first in my class. I’ve ended up second in the SCORE Baja 500 and SCORE Baja 1000. I will be back for the SCORE Baja 000 to finish the series. But this time I will know not to eat something before the race that will cause me issues if you know what I mean. J. David Ruvalcaba, No. 1609 (finished 2nd in class)- CO-DRIVER ESTEBAN CRUZ-The Baja is challenging. It’s always good to be out here. To finish is one thing but it win it is a whole new thing. We prepped a lot for this race. We had one issue when we were leading. We broke our front suspension. From the coast to the finish we were just catching up. I just knew I didn’t need to pass them I just needed to keep them in sight. There was a lot of dust, our bumper got clogged up a little bit. This is a really fun class with lots of good competitors. I enjoy racing against them or with them however you want to see it. Now we can focus on running the SCORE Baja 1000. The team did a great job putting this together. It was just a matter of focusing and not making a mistake and getting to the finish line. David Ruvalcaba started and went to race mile 240 and then I finished.   PRO UTV UNLTD (two-seat unlimited UTV open-displacement)-- Jesus Mendez Jr, No. 1850 (finished 1st in class)- It was a great day today. We started and we were able to finish. This was a great race. We are happy that we won. It was a beautiful course and day.   PRO UTV STOCK (Stock UTVs, FI or NA)— Rodrigo Ampudia, No. 3936(finished 1st in class)-It was a fun race we started the race and hit a big rock. Something moved in the front of the radiator and we started overheating. We fixed it and kept going and pushing hard. We ran out of fuel on the cross over road but got some fuel and kept going. WE finished in 10 hours and 20 minutes. I was hoping to beat who got first but I came up a little short. I loved the racecourse it was open and perfect to race a Canam on. Our team put in all the effort to get us here to the finish.   CLASS 8 (Full-sized two-wheel drive truck/SUV, no displacement limit)— Jose Contreras, No. 810 (finished 1st in class)-The race was not easy it was hard. WE had a lot of fun but we had a lot of unexpected areas. The dust was bad. We almost had a perfect race but the last 10 miles we got a flat. But this is Baja and we had fun and enjoyed the truck.   BAJA CHALLENGE (Spec, Subaru-powered Baja Touring Cars equipped with BFGoodrich Tires)— Edward Muncey, BC4 (finished 1st in class)-Rob Hartman drove the first 200 and then I hoped in and did the rest. I can tell you that it was challenging. I love this new SCORE Baja 400. The hardest part was going through the wash on the way to the finish line. Rob Hartman-This was unbelievable! It makes sense to prerun but we will definitely prerun the day before. We didn’t prerun Friday and the course had changed so much. It was an awesome race.   CLASS 7F (Stock frame, 2 or 4-wheel drive mini or mid-size trucks)-- Dave Cole, No. 724F (finished 1st in class)- Dan Fresh started this race. This race was super clean. We were 30 minutes up and we were great. I got a flat at mile marker 280 and we changed it. We made a pass in the dust and kept going. We didn’t get enough fuel coming into 360. This was a great course. There was tons of go fast spots. We are definitely coming back for the SCORE Baja 1000. PRO MOTORCYCLES   PRO MOTO UNLIMITED (400cc or more)— Justin Morgan, No. 1X (finished 1st overall, first in class)-I rode from the start to 190. Mark Samuels rode to El Cambro. And then Ricky Dietrich rode to about 30 miles from the finish. I rode from there to the finish. The race was fairly smooth; we had a couple small close calls without having a helicopter. Ricky had a really good crash and knocked himself out. He got up and managed to make a little time back. I had to do my best to make up the time when I got the bike back. No mechanical issues the bike was awesome all day. Mark did really good and made up some good time. He rode the course really smooth up the coast. Ricky is fine he was totally ok after the race just had an unlucky crash. We have lots to build on and work on for the SCORE Baja 1000. I do wish SCORE would sweep the course at the start and finish so that people knew we were coming in and out of town. But it was a really awesome course to run. We are really happy to get the win. Santiago Creel, No. 66X (finished 2nd in class)- CO-DRIVER Eric Yorba-I rode mile 0 to 230. It was a long morning for me. Santiago started it but handed over the bike about 50 feet from the starting line. No crashes. But we started 3rd and I got in the 4x dust, which held me up. But I was able to get around them. I had one close call but no crashes so it was a smooth race. Brandon Prieto got on the bike and did the whole coast and is bringing it into the finish. The ground he made up is making it a nail bitter. CO-RIDER Brandon Prieto-it took it smooth an easy and it went pretty good. Im happy that we finished here and hopefully we get the win tomorrow. I ran from 230 to the finish.   Colton Udall), No. 5X (finished 5th in class) Nic Garvin- Went really good. Got the bike in forth mile maker 125 and   rode to 198. They changed the course marking so it was probably 120 to 188. I was in forth made the pass into third and just kept going. We kept it going to the other side of the coast. I did not go to the time speed zone my teammate Derek Ausserbauer did. No actually we had a pretty smooth run and kept it on two wheels. Colton (DOR)-I rode the start to race mile 122. And I rode the cross over road, which is 188 to 220 so another 30 miles. It’s bitter sweet because ive been racing down here a long time and I was a dominant force. But I have some new kids on my team. It went in order of me, Nic Garvin, I raced again, and then Derek Ausserbauer, and then Forrest Minchinton. We had a good ride 400 miles is a quick Baja race but this 400 is way more fun. They did a really good job of laying the course out. Its not the 500 but not the 250 but the course was good. Our bike worked good, we put together everything a little last minute. But our bike stayed up right with no crashing and we are all healthy. I don’t like the time zone but im ok with it. I think they should make a rule that there is no pitting during the time zone. What SCORE did was allow everyone a free pit. But pitting in Mexico is racing. I understand it is all for safety though and they did a good job recording times. Just kind of takes the racing side out of it.   PRO MOTO LIMITED (less than 400cc)-- Marco Pena, No. 120X (finished 1st in class)-He rode from here to mile marker 1. He is a little hurt, he broke his collarbone a couple weeks ago. Miguale Cordoves-I rode from mile 1 to 120. Then it was Maro Riala he rode to 230 and then Bryan Whipermine rode to 290 then Maro to 320 and then Miguale took it from 320 to the finish line. The time zone wasn’t an issue and we believe everything went smooth. We pitted there and took advantage of the time they gave us. Everyone had a safe ride and we made it to the finish line with no one getting hurt. Fernando Beltran, No. 180x (Finished 3rd in class)- We had a false start from Fernando he handed it over to David Zarate who gave it over to Adam Garcia who gave it over to Marco Maclish who gave it to Rodolfo Patron who gave it over to Javier Ibarra who brought it in. David Zarate had an accident at race mile 50. He put the bike down. No other misshapes.   PRO MOTO 40 (Riders over 40 years old)-- Jason Trubey, No. 444x (finished 1st in class)- I rode out to mile 125. Chad Throton got on and rode from 125 to 230. And then Paul Luce got on at 230 and rode it in to the finish. We had to make a change because one of our guys got hurt prerunning and broke his leg. We aren’t as high up as we wanted but we had a clean race. No crashes it was a smooth race for us.   PRO MOTO 30 (Riders over 30 years old)— Francisco Septien, No. 370x (finished 1st in class)- Francisco broke his ankle. Co-rider Shane Esposito-I rode start to mile marker 125 and then 315 to the finish. Francisco got off at 270 because a cow got in front of him and he went off course breaking his ankle by hitting a rock. We blew apart 2 front wheels and had to replace a shock. Ryan Leibelt, 308x (finished 3rd in class)-I started the race at 6:30 and rode till marker 92. No accidents. When I got off we were battling with Kevin Murphy. We were back and forth the whole time. Morgan Crawford got on at 92 and rode to 200. Co-Rider Justin Schultz- We had Greg Bardonex ride from 200-280 and then I got on in San Flicenta after a tire change and brought her home to the finish. No get offs or accidents. This WR450 is absolutely amazing. The team ran a flawless race today. We rode against guys who are use to riding the Pro Moto Class.   PRO MOTO IRONMAN (Solo Riders)-- Michael Skurkis, No. 729x (rode solo, finished 1st in class)-It was a good race we had a lot of fun. The week has been rough for us. I was sick earlier in the week and wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to ride. The course was fun I kept the bike up right. Almost hit some goats and a car, which was scary. I didn’t have any get offs but had some close calls in spots that I had preran.  PRO MOTO 50 (Riders over 50 years old)— Giovanni Spinali, No. 500x (finished 1st in class)-John Griffin rode the first 72 miles. Troy Pierce got on and rode to Valley Trinidad. I got on and rode to mile 125. John got back on then Troy and then I brought it in. We did a 1, 2,3,1,2,3. No get offs, no flats, and no crashes. It was a clean race just how we like it. PRO QUADS   PRO QUAD (Open engine displacement)— Adolfo Arellano, No. 21a (Finished 1st in class)-It was a difficult race but a clean race mechanically. We were two riders. Adolfo started the race to 77. Edwin Lopez got in and took it to the 120. I got back in and took it from 120 to 330. And then Edwin brought it to the finish line. We did make one error at the start of the race. The bike shut down and wouldn’t start. That cost the lead at the beginning. But thanks to the effort and the will from the whole team we got back to a first place lead. It was a very close race; we were with Said Sanchez 10-20 apart for a long time. This is what I love about racing. And this is the kind of race I look forward to. Said Sanchez, 1a (Finished 2nd in class)- He rode 50 miles. It was a very tight race but we had fun. Didn’t have to get off and no accidents. Lewis Balas raced from 70 to 125 mile marker. It was ok the track was a little technical but over all it was a great race. We had a battle with the 21a. Zero problems no crashes and everything went clean.
